I Will Keep You and Will Make You to Be a Light
(Isa. 42:6-9)

The common point found in world-leaders is that they have a clear goal in their mind. We should have a clear answer about who we are, which is related to our identity as children of God and know the answer about what we should live for, which is related to the purpose of our life.

1. God who called us
God called us children of God among many people. We were born in sins and live with sins thereby being dead due to sins. However, God sent Jesus to us and let him dead on the cross to save us. We are saved and forgiven by the greatest love of God and finally become the citizen of heaven. Therefore, we should live for the glory of God whatever we do by giving thanks to God, who gave us salvation through his grace. We should have clear goal and vision only to give glory to God and march forward with faith to the holy vision.

2. God who set up us
While we are living in the world, God holds our hand and protects us. Sometimes, we face hardships and troubles but we don't need to be afraid and fearful because God is with us. Also, God makes us to take responsibility of becoming the light of the world. As Jesus is the light in our heart, we can live as the light with Jesus in our heart. Spread the love of Jesus for those who are in troubles and pains by doing good deed so that they can sing for hope and dream in Jesus. Your life is only one time. Spend your days being devoted to giving glory to God.

3. God who does new things
God who called and set up us will work through us. God who achieved miraculous works yesterday is doing amazing things today and will do a new thing for those who have a dream in Jesus, marching with faith. Whether it is a good thing or not cannot make you bound by the past because our past has gone and we are new creatures in Jesus. March forward to the bright future with divine hope and vision. Holding the Word of God and praying hard, challenge yourself for the glory of God. Then God will give you strength. Everything goes well in the end.