God of Ebenezer
(1Sa. 7:12-14)

God wanted to achieve the will and to be glorified through Israel but it was judged due to the sins of idolatry. However, when the people of Israel repented sins and returned to God, God forgave and helped them, being with them as Ebenezer.

1. Turn to the Lord
Israel was bothered and suffered from oppression of Philistines due to the sins of idolatry. Samuel asked to return to God sincerely. (1Sa. 7:3) It meant they had to remove the idols and worship God only. Marking 60th anniversary of our church, we should have great spiritual awakening movement. The things we love more than God are the idols. We should get rid of idols rooted in our lives. We should not be absorbed in the world, but we serve God. With repenting thoroughly and removing the idols, we should love and serve God only.

2. Cry to the Lord
Samuel ordered the people to assemble at Mizpah and he interceded with the LORD for the people. When we have troubles and problems, kneel down and pray with all your heart. God will answer you. When Samuel prayed, God answered. The Philistines were defeated and ran away. For church growth, we should restore prayer movement. The church is the house of God where the people pray. (Is. 56:7) Therefore, we need to focus on praying hard instead of criticizing churches. The more people pray hard days and nights, the stronger churches stand on the Word of God. We should pray God who hold churches tightly and bless.

3. Thus far has the Lord helped us
After gaining victory against Philistines, then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far has the LORD helped us." Likewise, God has helped our church for 60 years. Despite trials and tribulations, our church has grown so far. Our God who has helped will help us. After Samuel set the stone, God took care of the people of Israel during his life times. Likewise, our God will be God of Ebenezer for our church and helps us until Jesus comes again.