I Will Pour out My Spirit on All People
(Ac. 2:17-21)

After 10 days passed when Jesus ascended, the Holy Spirit came. Peter who was filled with the Holy Spirit delivered the Gospel, then 3000 people repented their sins and returned to God. Today is Whitsuntide. Through the sermon Peter preached, it is hoped that we will be filled with the Holy Spirit once more.

1. The age of the Holy Spirit
God promised to Joel that He would pour out the Holy Spirit to all the people at the last time. This message was achieved by the event of the Advent of the Holy Spirit and God has given the Holy Spirit to those who seek the Holy Spirit since then. Therefore, it is the era of the Holy Spirit. To have a powerful and influential life, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit day by day. It is not one day event. We should be full of the Holy Spirit continuously. Then, we will have the power of the Holy Spirit to become the witness of Jesus. (Ac. 1:8) Let us become the competent and powerful disciples of Jesus to spread the Gospel to every place in the world.

2. A person with a dream
Once we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we will have a holy vision. (Ac. 2:17-18) As a result, we will speak a new language of hope and dream thereby living an absolutely positive and optimistic life in God. The Great St. Paul became the man of dream and vision and lived a completely positive life in Jesus. The disciples of Jesus took off the negative and failing self- image after they were filled with the Holy Spirit so that they could march forward the divine dream. We should march forward the holy dream originated from the Holy Spirit by being armed with the positive faith and words for the future. God will achieve miraculous works through the faithful and hopeful people with dream in the Holy Spirit.

3. The will of God
God pours the Holy Spirit for his people to become the witness of the Gospel. We will become the witness of confessing that Jesus is the only Savior in the world once we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Ac. 2:21) When Peter bravely preached on the Pentecostal day, a lot of people came to repent and were baptized. Consequently, the Jerusalem church were strengthened thereby leading a church growth. The miracle of this spiritual revival should be continued. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit to become the powerful witness of Jesus and challenge a new vision given by God. Then, until Jesus comes again, we have to reinforce our church to resemble the Early Church described in the Act so that we can give glory to God.