Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
(Mk. 16:15-18)

Before ascending, Jesus asked his disciples to spread the Good News. The end of the Four Gospels and the first chapter of the Act, we can see the order of Jesus, which is called the Great Commission of Jesus.

1. Go into all the world and preach the good news
The resurrected Jesus Christ asked his disciples to spread his teachings to all the nations of the world. The spreading Gospel is the duty of Christians and the reason for existence of church. We are all missionaries and the churches are the centers of the mission. Therefore, we should spread Gospel all over the world whether we have time or not. Only Jesus is the way of salvation.

2. Receive the power
To spread the Gospel bravely, we should receive the power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus asks us to do the Great Commission, Jesus gives us signs with power.(Mk. 16:17-18)

1) Drive out evil spirits
The evil spirits hinder us from spreading the Gospel thereby not believing in God. Also, they kill us and rob us of our life to destroy our daily lives. When Jesus spread the Gospel, Jesus drove out evil spirits at first for those who were captured by demons and evil spirits. Therefore, we should drive out them with the power of the blood of Jesus Christ as children of God. (James 4:7)

2) Speak in new tongues
The new tongues here mean the words of heaven. When we are baptized with the Holy Spirit, God gives us a new language of heaven. When we pray with each tongue, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us to solve our problems. (Rom. 8:26) Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues of heaven.

3) Pick up the snake
The snake refers to the Satan, the father of deceit. People who live with Jesus in his or her center of life can get rid of the snake at any time. With the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, rebuke and drive out the Satan. God protects and guards us from every danger.

4) When we drink deadly poison, it will not hurt us at all
The real poison harming our physical body is fatal but the toxins of the bad words in our daily communication are much more harmful. The words of anger and frustration make other people feel frustrated and dismayed, even driving them to commit suicide. We should be against using the bad words by praying in the name of Jesus.

5) Placing on the sick, the sick will be healed
Jesus spent some two-thirds of His time healing the sick. (Mt. 4:23-24) Jesus is same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Therefore, we should not be frustrated if we are caught by various diseases. We should pray for the sick to be healed by the name of Jesus Christ.