Break Up Your Unplowed Ground
(Hos. 10:12)

The risky moments of faithful life comes to us when we become lazy. The faith without thanksgiving and passion just like the life away from God threatens our life at the end just as the arteriosclerosis poses a threat to us. Today's scripture reading through Hosea makes us warned and encouraged.

1. Sow for yourselves righteousness and reap the fruit of unfailing love
We should plant the seeds of righteousness which is related to the righteous life to God. The wrong behaviors of our faith should be broken up by the plow, the righteous Words of God has special power to break down complaints, grumbles, negative thoughts, blames, spiritual laziness and losses of thanksgiving and prayers. Rather, we should reap the fruits of unfailing love. Love covers countless sins. (1 Pe. 4:8) We should not reveal all the sins of others to judge them. This attitude is a lot required in our nation. We should love and forgive each other to achieve reconciliation and social unity based on love.

2. Break up your unplowed ground
As a christian, we should renew our minds everyday. The dried mind causes us to be away from the grace of God. We should break up our dried and rough mind not only by the Word of God and prayers but also burn our weeds by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Paul confessed that his old person was dead on the cross of Jesus and he was alive with resurrected Jesus to be a new one. (Gal. 2:20) Also, Paul said that his old inner being was crucified on the cross everyday. The confession of Paul should be ours. This will be done when we experience the grace of God's renewing us everyday through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus.

3. Seek the Lord
To sow for yourselves righteousness and to reap the fruit of unfailing love, we should break up your unplowed ground. We should look for God sincerely. We should have God-centered life. We should realize the will of God surely and obey God. God wants us to love God with all our hearts. It means we should act righteously, practice love and live humbly with God. (Mic. 6:8) God will judge the ones without repenting their sins but God plans how to heal even on the moment of judgment. By searching for and depending on our good God during our life time, let us enjoy amazing grace of God.