It is I. Don't be afraid.
(Mt. 14:25-29)

Life is like a great voyage in the open sea. Sometimes our life face waving seas and great storms. We as christians also meet the storms of pains and adversity. However, the troubles are the tools of giving us blessing . We should meet Jesus and depend on Jesus while we are in the troubles.

1. When facing a storm
When Jesus went up to the mountain after the miracle of two fish and five loaves of bread, the disciples had to cross the sea. When their boat was in the middle of the sea, the furious storm came over to them. Why did it happen? The reason was that they were not with Jesus. When we are away from Jesus, we face the storms of problems. Therefore, when we are in trouble, we should look back on our life. We should check if we are away from Jesus not following the will of God and then we should repent our sins.

2. Jesus walking on the sea
During the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the sea. It was the darkest moment when the disciples got frustrated more and more. When we think we are alone in the middle of hardship, we should remember that Jesus becomes our help and look for Jesus. Jesus listens to us and answers to help us. Jesus tells us not to be afraid. Not listening to the words of the Word, we should listen to the Word of Jesus. The Word of Jesus becomes our happiness, blessings and the source of our life.

3. Peter walking on the water
Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." And he bravely walked on the sea. When we listen to the voice of Jesus and obey, we can walk over the stormy sea of life. However, Peter started to sink when he was afraid of the wind. Likewise, when we look at our surroundings and are shaken, we will sink. Faith should not be given up. Whatever troubles may come, let us see Jesus standing in the middle of see with strong faith.