A Person Who Brings Good News
(Na. 1:15)

The word of God was written toward Assyrian, Nineveh in the chapter of Jonah and Nahum in the Bible. The theme of them are different. Jonah is talking about forgiveness and love and Nahum talks about righteousness and judgement. Today's scripture reading is related to judgment of God to the people of Nineveh's people who persecuted the people of God and was against God.

1. The God who Judges
God is patient enough to release anger and stands a lot. However, the one who doesn't repent and is against God will be judged at the end. (Na. 1:2-3) God who is the master of our history has judged the arrogant and unrighteous countries. Assyria repented temporarily shortly after the proclamation of Jonah but again they were arrogant and was into worshipping idols and doing evil things so that they had to be judged. Therefore, we should repent our sins when God still gives us chances to turn to God by repenting our sins. God gives his mercy and blessing for those who repent.

2. The God who is a refuge in times of trouble
The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. (Na. 1:6-7) When Hezekiah reigned the south of Judah, Assyria invaded and ruined the land but for Jerusalem. However, the King, Hezekiah didn't give up praying to ask for help. God answered him who prayed sincerely before the fall of the nation and amazingly, the southern Judah was able to escape from the attacking of Assyria. God protects people who comes to God for refuge and loves his people. Live in the love of God. God will be the biggest help in times of trouble.

3. A person who brings good news
Now, the prophet, Nahum delivered the news that Assyria committing evil doings was perished and peace would come. We, the children of God would deliver the good news of the salvation of God and the message of love and peace in the world. We should become the missionaries where we belong to proclaim the name of Jesus. The feet of the deceivers of the good news of gospel are much more blessed. (Rom. 10:15) Our feet should carry the message of love, forgiveness and peace. Deliver the love and peace of Jesus in the place filled with wars and conflicts. The one who opens the chapter of reunification of Korea are the people armed with the love of Jesus Christ.