Being strengthened
(Ac. 9:31)

Saul was transformed on the way to going to Damascus because he met Jesus whom he had persecuted a lot and he became the sincere servant of God to witness the name of Jesus and loved Jesus a lot. Barnabas who was a coworker and the faithful senior led him well so the church was strengthened.

1. The church was strengthened
The members of Jerusalem church were scattered after Stephen had been stoned to be dead because of persecution. However, this suffering brought about the growth of church. That's why scattered christians could deliver the Gospel all over the place. (Ac. 8:4) Many people repent their sins and returned to God again and the church became peaceful again. When visiting the church members' houses or visiting the hospitals where the christians patients lied in the bed, I see many of the not losing hope and faith in the Lord despite their tough situations as they have strong peace coming from the Lord. All our christians members with their family, church cells and departments should not lose peace for our church to stand firmly in the Lord.

2. A life in awe of the Lord
When we are living in awe of God, we will experience the grace of God. When we commit sins and away from God, God will punish us. However, we should not be terrified thinking of judgement of God too much because God will never be away from us. However, we should love God with respect and sincerity because God is our creator and savior. The life in awe of God is the source of wisdom. (Prov.1:7) Let us live in awe of God to worship God only. God will bless us.

3. The comfort of the Holy Spirit
When we worship God with fear and honor, the Holy Spirit will comfort us a lot. Christians are persecuted sometimes for the name of Jesus. (Rom. 8:36) However, we are strong enough to overcome the hard moments thanks to the Holy Spirit. Living with honoring and worshipping God while being comforted by the Holy Sprit regardless our situations enables us to experience the revival of church. Therefore, we should be eager to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can overcome any troubles and hardships with the power of the Holy Spirit and church will grow a lot.