Revive Your Work in the Midst of the Years
(Hab. 2:20-3:4)

The prophet Habakkuk came before God and experienced presence of God so that he praised the Lord with pray. Externally, the threat of Babylon came and the social and moral corruption harmed the nation internally. However, he kept praying before God to save his nation.

1. Acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty
When the prophet prayed with embracing the pains of his nation, he realized that all the people accepted the authority of God and had to be silent to worship God before the presence of God. Isaiah met God when he prayed and he confessed his weaknesses. When we stand before God, who is the master of all the universe and the holiness, our sins and faults will be revealed and we confess that we are nothing. We should put down our feats and pride and be humble saying that we are nothing and God is my everything. When we offer our life, we will experience the miracle of God.

2. Expect the revival
When the prophet experienced the presence of God, he prayed for the revival and restoration. He prayed that God would renew them in their days. (Hab. 3:2) Everything has its time. The time of revival driven God has its own schedule. Sometimes the plan of God seems to be so late but when the times of God come, the revival happens. This is time for all the christians should be united to prepare for the reunification of our nation and be restored in God. Let us pray for the revival. When we sincerely ask for help before the presence of God, God will allow us to have the new chapter of revival, which was seen in ‘the Acts of Apostles’.

3. Praise the glory of God
The prophet praised the Lord. Nothing was changing. His nations was being destroyed due to external and internal threats. However, he chose to paise the Lord. He believed that God would achieve his good plans at the end. When the right time comes, God will make us revive. What we have to do is to give thanks, praise, glory and honor to God. When we are filled with the attitude of giving thanks to God, God will take care of our life. Let us put our trust in God, giving thanks and praises to God so that we can have victorious life in God.