Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
(Jn. 14:1-6)

We are living in the world full of worry and anxiety. We face various problems and feel distressed. However, we do not need to be worried. Jesus is with us as the answers.

1. Jesus Christ who is the object of faith
Jesus asked the disciples not to be worried when they were worried that Jesus would leave them soon. It was the night before Jesus would be on the cross. Jesus asks us not to be worried. Even our circumstances are not perfect, we should choose not to be worried. We should not see the problem but we see Jesus and trust in Jesus. Then we can find the real peace coming from Jesus. When we feel afraid because of worries and doubts, we should pray hard until we feel peaceful again. By focusing on Jesus and praying hard, let us enjoy peace.

2. The Lord who prepares a residence
Jesus who died but was resurrected has prepared the houses in heaven for us. (Jn. 14:2) The heavenly houses are prepared for us. The world is not our final destination and eternal home. Our home is in heaven. Just as people who are away from home miss the place they were born, we should put our hope in heaven. Everyone will face his or her last day. We should be praised before God at our last day as a good servant.

3. Jesus Christ who sends the Holy Spirit
After ascending to heaven, Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to us. (Jn. 16:7) When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to our heart and does not leave us. The Holy Spirit helps us all the time and teaches what Jesus said and shows the glory of Jesus. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we love Jesus more than anything else in the world and we spread the name of Jesus to people whom we meet. We should be accompanied by Jesus. And let us enjoy peace by being filled with the Fullness of the Holy Spirit thereby gaining victory.