When I Am Weak, then I Am Strong
(2 Co. 12:7-10)

The journey of faith is like a battle against oneself. There are conflicts between the old inner being and the new one after believing in Jesus. We should overcome the old inner being by being filled with the Holy Spirit to live a new creature.

1. A Thorn in the flesh
Paul wrote 13 chapters of the Bible and established many churches in Asia and Europe and became a great apostle. Also, he healed many sick people and even made a dead person a live. However, Paul had physical thorns as diseases. He asked God to heal him three times. (2 Co. 12:7-8) However, thorns were not removed. People are bounded by the past wounds, handicaps and sorrow. Enjoy the real freedom in Jesus as we are already the new creatures in Jesus Christ. The old has gone and the new has come.

2. My grace is sufficient for you
When Paul prayed to be healed, God said, “My grace is sufficient for you.” This message empowered him. The disease was still left but Paul realized that everything was done by the grace of God through the personal meeting with God. And he accepted his hardships and sufferings positively. We should have positive eyes for our problems. By being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and armed with the positive faith, we rely on the abundant grace of God instead of looking at our problems.

3. When I am weak, then I am strong
Thorns give us benefits. We become lowered humbly and experience of presence of God. When we are weak, the power of God will be shown completely. Paul knew this truth so that he would give thanks to god even he was hit and sent to the prison unfairly. Miraculously, the door of the prison opened of itself after the strong earthquake and it made the Gospel spread. Our weakness becomes the pathway of showing the miracle of God thereby enabling us to live as a man of God. Therefore, we can confess that when we are weak, we are strong. (2Co. 12:10)