Inwardly We Are Being Renewed Day by Day
(2Co. 4:16-18)

Children want to grow up as adults quickly. The children hope to become grown-up thereby they wish do what they want to do. However, living as an adult is quickly passing. As time passes, every one becomes the old and grey and the evening of life comes closer losing the dream and hope in life.

1. The life that wastes away
People in the world cannot avoid becoming getting old. As time passes the period of the youth and the grown-ups, the time of the silver age comes to us. The life is compared to the drying grasses and the beauty of life will get withered. Things in the world will disappear. As time goes, we get older and feel weak. Therefore, we should look at our weaknesses to become humble. Let us strive to be in the grace of God. The things in the world cannot overcome time but the Word of God will be forever.

2. The renewed life
According to the scripture reading, Paul said that outwardly we are wasting away but inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Without knowing Jesus, we may be afraid of getting old and being dead. However, we are not afraid as christian because our inner person gets stronger spiritually and have a dream of being in heaven. We should be renewed in Jesus and have transformed life in the Holy Spirit. Be filled with the Holy Spirit as well as the Word of God. Do your best efforts in doing the heavenly work. Thus, you will enjoy your life of being renewed day by day despite living in the world where people cannot resist the passing times.

3. The glorious future prepared for us
Even we are christians, we can face various difficulties. However, they are temporary in the world because the glorious future is ahead of us. (2Co. 4:17-18) The glory refers to the glory of after death in heaven and it will be perfectly achieved as the complete glory of heavenly kingdom when Jesus comes. Also, we can enjoy this perfect glory of heaven in this earthly world by looking at Jesus. Therefore, we should march forward by fixing our eyes to look at Jesus. Dream of divinely prepared glory and live for the glory of God. In doing so, we will enjoy this amazing glory from now and forever.