Wake up from Spiritual Sleep
(Ac. 20:7-12)

Taking a sound sleep is important for us to our rest and health. However, oversleeping is harmful and makes our life poor. According to the today's scripture reading, an episode is written, which is about a man by being fell to the ground from the third story and died while he was listening to the sermons preached by Paul and.

1. Paul who preached the Word
During the 3rd journey of Paul, he visited Troas and many christians came on Sunday to listen to the message of God. Paul had to leave the next day and he and the people didn't know when he would come again. Thus, Paul preached with his best, staying up late at night and people turned on their lamps to focus on the Word of God. Likewise, we should be eager to be filled with the passion toward the Word of God. The word of God becomes our spiritual food, the beacon of our life and the compass of our life and the Word of God leads us to become the mature christians. Let us experience the fullness of the grace and blessings through the Word of God.

2. The young man who slept
When the people listened to the message of God through Paul, a young man named Eutychus, seated in a window with sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. As he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground and was picked up dead. The problem was that he lost the eagerness in the Word of God. On the contrary, Maria, the sister of Martha always concentrated on the Word of God when Jesus came and was praised by Jesus. The evidence showing a person who has spiritual sleep is he or she is not interested in worship. If we are not focusing on worshipping God, we should look back on our daily lives to see if we are sleeping spiritually or not. Be awake and be restored to have passion toward God.

3. The young man who was resurrected
The works of the Satan is to destroy and kill the people while the works of Jesus is to save the people. When Eutychus was dead, people would say something and made some turmoils. However, Paul made people calm down by throwing himself on the young man and put his arms around him and he said like this, “Don't be alarmed.” he said. “He's alive!” Finally, the young man became alive and people were a lot comforted. When problems arise, people tend to spread various rumors. We should focus on praying hard when we have problems. We should embrace the problems to pray hard instead of talking to much to find out solutions. When we pray, God will help us.