Jesus Christ, the Precious Living Stone
(1Pe. 2:1-5)

We were all sinners who are not worthy of being saved. However, God called us his children thanks to the amazing and gracious love. Therefore, we should live as the children of God by giving thanks to the grace of God.

1. The things to throw away and the things to adore
Our faithful life is series of choices and decisions. We should be discerned what to remove and what to desire. At first, we should get rid of the things that belong to the world and things that are evil. We should speak something good enough to encourage and love others instead of criticizing and blaming others. Jesus rebuked teachers of the law and Pharisee as hypocrites like whitewashed tombs, which looked beautiful on the outside but on the inside were full of dead. On the contrary, there is something that we should desire. We should be eager to read the Word of God as a baby aspires to have breast milk. When we look forward to listening to the Word of God and obey God, our faith will grow and be filled with the amazing and abundant grace of God. (2 Tim. 3:15-17)

2. Come to the Lord
We should experience the generosity of God through the Word of God so that we come closer to God. (Ps. 34:8) When we come to Jesus, the chains bounding our life will be broken and the blessings of God come to us. Jesus was rejected by the Jewish people and hung on the cross. However, Jesus did not become failure because Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven thereby becoming a precious living stone. The most precious treasure in the world is Jesus Christ. We should come closer to Jesus. When we living with the Word of God, prayers, praise with giving thanks to God, we will be enjoy the true peace and joy. Also, we should spread the name of Jesus whom we have experienced.

3. Become a holy priest
We should be being established as the divine and the holy church by resembling Jesus. We are weak but we can become a strong by depending on Jesus is the foundation of church. We should be holy and distinguished to offer the spiritual worship to please God through our holy life. Our life should become good scent of Jesus christ. Be a greatly faithful man, strong enough to face against all the temptations and trials of the world. God called us the chosen people, the high priests like a king and a holy nation and the people o God. Live properly to the divine calling of God. Therefore we should spread beautiful influence all over the world as the faithful servants of God.