You Are Mine
(Isa. 43:1-3)

People form various relationships with friends, family members and colleagues at work. How to form the relationships shapes success or failure of life. However, the most important relationship is that of God.

1. God the Creator
God created us. God created things in the world with his words. However, God created us with dirt, giving us his breath to our nose. Also, God made us resemble his image. There was a clear purpose of creating us. The purpose is to make us praise God through close relationship with God. (Isa. 43:7) Therefore, we should obey the will of God and live to give glory to God. Furthermore, we should spread the glory of God so that the whole world can praise the glory of God.

2. God the Savior
God is our savior. God chose us and save us out of our sins. We are like Jacob who made many mistakes and not perfect. However, God loved us with his mercy and unfailing love even we are imperfect and weak. When we are frustrated at the ends of the world where no one can find us, God calls us. (Isa. 41:8-9) When we are in trouble and people are away from us, God comes to us to help us with his amazing hands. Therefore, let us not look at our difficult moments. Rather, we need to look at God, the source of hope and the key to problems.

3. God who walks with us
God is always walking with us. Whether we are in good situations or in bad situations, God is with us. God holds our hands to lead us to the righteous ways of life when we are wandering. We face difficulties and hardships even we are led by God. However, we should believe that God has already gained victory against the problems that we might have. What we have to do is to walk step by step with holding hands of Jesus. People think that they have made their ways by themselves. However, we realize that God has led us with his amazing love once we open our spiritual eyes. Let us walk with God with giving thanks to God.