You Will Be Honored
(Isa. 44:1-5)

Every person is destined to be dead because of sins and troubles. However, people who accept Jesus as their savior are saved thanks to the grace of God and are given a new life with a new identity. Therefore, we should give thanks to the grace of God forever.

1. The one who is specially selected
We are specially chosen by God to be saved. God called us as his servants, the chosen people and the friends of God. Once we obey the words of God, God will take care of us and love us. God will never be away from us as he chose us so that he will protect us till the end of the world. We become friends of God by faith so we can be comforted and helped by God when we are in sorrows and troubles. God has chosen us with his good plans for us. (Isa. 44:2) God wants to give us peace and Joy. Therefore, we should put our trust in God whatever happens and keep marching with sincere faith and trust in God.

2. God who pours out the Holy Spirit
God is good enough to give us the best things. God gives water to the thirsty to fill their dried soul. God pours his Holy Spirit for those who are in God and walks with them with giving the blessings of a green pasture near the water streams. (Isa. 58:11) On the contrary, only a few special leaders were filled with the Holy Spirit during the old testament periods. However, the Holy Spirit comes to those who desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we experience amazing changes. Those people live with the confidence of salvation in Jesus as well as the power and authority as the children of God. Therefore, we should pray for being filled with the Holy Spirit all the time.

3. The one who is honored
God changes the identity for people who meet Jesus personally. Children are inherited the identity of their parents. Once we were children of the darkness but now, we come the children of light and Go after we believe in Jesus. (Ep. 5:8) The reason we become precious is not because of our deeds, social class or what we have. It's because we are paid by the precious blood of Jesus. Magdalene Maria captured by the evil spirit lived miserably. However, she was recorded as a respected woman after she met Jesus Christ. We should live preciously before God and the other people by the new identity in Jesus Christ.