What We Have
(1Jh. 5:13-17)

The biggest blessing that we can receive during our life is to be saved by believing in Jesus and becoming the children of God. There are three amazing blessings that the children of God are given.

1. The blessing of eternal life
We are given the blessing of eternal life. God sent Jesus to humans who are in despair due to sins. (Jh. 3:16) Jesus who came to the world was sacrificed on the cross and was resurrected to give us eternity. We will enjoy endless joy in the heaven where there are no sorrows and tears. Even the life in the world seems to be a long journey, we can give thanks to God with praising because we have the eternal hope put in heaven. Whatever happens including troubles, problems and risks, let us overcome with the hope of resurrection of Jesus with the hope in heaven.

2. The power of prayer
We have the power of the prayer as the children of God. God wants us to ask for help to God. (Mk. 7:11) When we ask for help, God answers to us and let us have overflowing joy. However, our prayers should be in line with the will of God. We should pray for the will of God to be achieved in our life rather than asking or our selfish desires or interest to come true. However, we should not hesitate to pray hard. God always listens to us and gives us the best things as God is so good. God listens to us and allows us to have amazing miracles. When you pray hard, miracles will happen.

3. The ability to save sinners
We have power to save sinners as the children of God. Sometimes we are tempted by the sins even we are the children of God. (Ro. 7: 24) Therefore, we should be filled with the word of God and the Holy Spirit to fight against the sins. We often see people committing various sins. We should not criticize and judge them as we are also weak and imperfect sinners, too. Instead, we should encourage them to live a pure and holy life. Moreover, we should lead surrounding neighbors to repent their sins and return to God. By using these amazing blessings, we can gain victory in the end.