Stretch out Your Hand
(Mk. 3:1-5)

People live with their hidden weakness or wounds. Some of them have been suffering from those wounds. However, christians healed in Jesus should not be chained by the past wounds.

1. A man with a shriveled hand
One day Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. The man might have felt inferior feeling because of his shriveled hand and lived in troubles. However, he was not the only one with having the shriveled hand. It refers to the shameful sins and mistake or personal weaknesses that one has. Even in the christian communities such as church, have the weaknesses like the shriveled hand. Neither the personal shriveled hand nor the communities shriveled hand can be cured by the power of man. We should come before Jesus with our weaknesses. Once we stand before Jesus with our weaknesses, Jesus will change our weaknesses and help us get out of the past like the shriveled hand so that we can transformed as the new creatures in Jesus. (2Co. 5:17)

2. A person with negative thoughts
At that time, many Jewish religious leaders waited for Jesus to make some mistakes for them to accuse Jesus of faults or mistakes. They were who studied and taught the will of God. However, they did not realize the will of God who had amazing love and grace. They were busy finding criticizing and judging the others and attacked Jesus, the son of God with their standards. Jesus rebuked the dead faith of the Pharisees. We should look back on our days to see if we are acting like the Pharisee and repent our sins to stand before Jesus. (Mt. 23:25-28)

3. The Lord who restores us
Jesus asked the man with a shriveled hand to stretch out his hand to heal him. Likewise, people who meet Jesus will be blessed spiritually and physically. Jesus came to us to find the lost sheep to give them abundant life. (Jn. 10:10) Jesus healed the sick wherever he went to during his life times. With our faith, we should stretch out our shriveled and weak hand. Then, Jesus will turn it into beautiful hand. Stretch your desperate and shriveled hand so that you can experience the amazing healing and miracle of God.