God Who Achieves the Work
(Jer. 33:1-3)

God controls the history of all human beings. We think that we plan and lead our days but not many things are done according to our plans. We should accept the authority of God and offer our life before God humbly.

1. Jeremiah who was imprisoned
Jeremiah foretold that Judah would be destroyed by Babylon. People wanted to hear the protection of God but Jeremiah had to deliver what he was told from God. As a result, he was hated and was put into the prison. Tribulations and hardships come to those who obey God. However, they are not the ends and they are the courses to train us. For example, Joseph was sold as a salve and sent to Egypt due to his dreams given by God. Also, he was put into the prison because of false accusations. David was chased out and spent this times wandering in the deserts after he killed the Giant Goliath. However, these hard moments were the tools to lead them to the blessings of God. God trained his children by using hardships and troubles so that they achieve the hope. (Rom. 5:3-4)

2. God who achieves the work
When Jeremiah was in the prison with being dismayed, God told him what he was like. God is the creator of the world and controls his creatures according to his will. And the God of Almighty remembered what he promised with Israelites and achieved his will. This message was great help to Jeremiah and is greatly encouraging us. God is the master of history. Even we plan to do something, the success depends on God. (Prov. 16:9) By putting our trust in God and being armed with positive mind with giving thanks to God, we will be blessed to have eternal life and miracles of God.

3. Faith that is answered
God asks us to call out before God. Our prayers should not become a habit or daily routine. We should put our sincerity and hearts into our prayers. We should cry out before God in any situations. God will show the great and hidden secrets to those who pray hard. With holding the promise of God, we should pray and pray until we get answered. God is listening to our prayers today. (Jer. 29:12) By praying out loudly every day, get off our frustrating moments in the past, and live a new life in Jesus Christ.