God Who Turns Darkness into Light
(2Sa. 22:29-32)

People want to live meaningfully because the life give to us is only once. However, something happening in our life is not done according to our wills. In the era of uncertainties, we should think about how we can have a real peace.

1. God who is the lamp
The deepest dark nights come to our life unexpectedly. People are easily wounded when they are lost in the mountains at night. Likewise, people are frustrated wandering in the darkness of life. However, David confessed that God becomes our light. The word of God held him tightly when he was in the desert living hard. He was never frustrated believing that God would make him a king. God shines the life of those who believe in the word of God and leads them to the way of life and blessing. (Ps. 119:105)

2. Faith that relies on the Lord
There are impossible problems that cannot be solved by human methods. Such cases are having broken family by conflicts between parents and children or husband and wife, bankrupted business and incurable diseases. We should not look at our situations. Instead, we should look at God. We should go beyond our angst, anxiousness, worries, problems and illnesses. (2Sa. 22:30) God leads us with his amazing love. Almighty God becomes our shepherd. Depending on God, we will experience that our impossible turns into possible.

3. God who becomes the shield
God becomes our shield and shelter for those who take a refuge in him. The ways of God are perfect and the promise of God is surely achieved. Put your trust in the words o God. The words of God becomes the reality for those who depend on God wholeheartedly. When troubles sweep over us, let us not depend on the people in the world or idols. God becomes our rock and protector. (2Sa. 22:32-34) God will rescue us out of depression and help our feet stand on the height. Enjoy our victory in God with your faith.