The kingdom of God
(Rom. 14:17-18)

The kingdom of God is the place where God reigns and controls. When we believe in Jesus, the kingdom of God come to our heart. It also comes to the family, churches, and work places which serve God. Today, we think about the images of the kingdom of God which comes to us.

1. The kingdom of righteousness
People will be judged by the righteousness of God in the kingdom of God, not by the wealth, academic background or social status. Therefore, the person who is not righteous cannot enter the kingdom of God. (1 Co 6:9) The problem is that all people are unrighteous sinners. So Jesus came to us to take our sins and made us wear the clothes of righteousness of God. Only the people depending on the salvation of Jesus will enter the kingdom of God. As a result, the will of God will be achieved in the kingdom of God and our selfish desires will be gone. We should remember the identity that we are the citizens of the kingdom of God so that we can achieve the will of God in our daily life.

2. The kingdom of peace
Jesus came to us as the King of peace. We who are unrighteous are able to be reconciled with God is are righteous, thanks to the precious blood of Jesus, which was shed from the cross. Without the precious blood of Jesus, we cannot be peaceful each other. Therefore, all our history is series of conflicts and tensions. However, the walls of hatred and complains among us will be collapsed once we remain in Jesus so that we can live peacefully with each other. Depending on the blood of Jesus, let us enjoy the real peace of the kingdom of God.

3. The kingdom of joy
The fruit of righteousness and peace is joy. Also, joy will be born when we are in the Holy Spirit. Paul asked us to be joy full all the time. (1Th 5:16) However, people looking at the world which is rapidly changing cannot be happy as the conditions of having joy will be frequently changing, too. However, the people looking at unchanging God by being filled with the Holy Spirit will be joyful all the time as God pours the hope of the kingdom of God and blessing to the person ceaselessly. Let us overcome all kinds of problems and difficulties. By serving the church and your neighbors with joy, you will become the faithful servants of God whom God will praise.