Prepare the Way for the LORD
(Isa 40:3-5)

According to the church calendar, the period of 4 weeks before Christmas is called Advent. Holy Christians prepare this period by giving thanks to the Lord's coming. We should expect Jesus to come again and wait Christmas by preparing the way for Jesus to come.

1. Fill up the valley of the wound and despair
In the past, when a king planned to march for battles, the vanguards and frontiers prepared the roads for the king to march safely. Likewise, we should fill the rugged valley. The valley symbolizes the status of minds which are filled with sins and frustrations. By holding the cross of Jesus, the valleys of frustrations will turn into hope, those of complains will be filled with overflowing gratitude and those of hatred will be filled with the love of God.

2. Lower the mountain of pride
The second step to prepare the way for the king is to lower the hills and mountains. They are referring to spiritually arrogant minds. Arrogance is taking the place of God. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees who were arrogant in laws and took pride of themselves rather than showing the righteousness of God. People who are humble and lowered can meet Jesus. John the Baptist confessed like this “He must become greater, I must become less.” We should have a humble heart.

3. Restore the right faith
The third step of preparing the way for the king is to level the rugged roads to turn into straight. The rugged roads mean that deceitful mind. (Jer. 17:9) The people with deceitful heart see something negatively so the relationship with people as well as that of God is distorted. If we say we obey God but we act more badly than others, we cannot accept Jesus into our heart. We should repent our deceitful heart and restore the right faith.

4. The rugged places will become a plain
The fourth step of the way for the king is to make the rough ground flat. The rough ways means the rooted habit of committing sins in our hearts. We should get rid of the habit of lie, violence, sinful lust and alcohol addiction. Once our heart is prepared well enough to accept Jesus, the grace of salvation comes in our life. (Isa. 40:5) By preparing the ways for Jesus to come, let us have happy Christmas by being filled with the amazing grace of God.