Jesus Who Came to Us
(John 1:9-12)

Many nations of the world makes Christmas the national holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus who was born in the barn of a small village, Bethlehem. Who is Jesus? Why do we celebrate Jesus?

1. Jesus who exists as the Word
Jesus has been the Word of God from the birth of the universe. Jesus is also the creator who made the word with God. Jesus keeps everything smooth as the source of everything and controls everything of the world. The reason why God created people is to praise Jesus who created, saved and lead us. Jesus came to the world to show himself to us and meet us. Jesus ascended and sits next to God but we can meet Jesus through the Word of God. Be accompanied with the Word of God in your daily life so that you can make a new history of your life.

2. Jesus who came as the light of life
Jesus came to us as the light of life. Jesus is the only one to give us the real life. We are destined to become desperate because of our sins and tend to be led by the sins thereby being punished at the end. However, God loves us so much that God sent his one and only Son to save us. Once we believe in Jesus, we can be saved. (John 1:12) Now, we become the children of light. As the children of light, we should deliver hope to the place where frustration is, happiness to the place where the darkness is and life to the place where the death exists.

3. Jesus who is grace and truth
Jesus came to us as a human being despite of the word of God. This is incarnation. The son of God who had no sins and faults came to us in order to save us. The way of Jesus to save us was to be sacrificed on the cross in the scorns and despise of people. At the lowest place, God was glorified, forgave our sins and opened the way for the grace of God. We were not worthy of being loved by God and seeing the glory of God but God has loved us so much. We should live the life based on the cross of Jesus, seeking for the grace of God. We should enjoy the grace of salvation, healing and forgiveness in Jesus.