I Am a Sinner
(Luke 18:9-14)

Our faithful journey in Jesus is like continuous fight against oneself. That is because we have both the inner person filled with the sinful nature of the old and the new being filled with the grace of God. We should be filled with the fullness of the holy spirit so that we live as the transformed and new person by overcoming the old inner being.

1. A Pharisee who thought of himself as righteous
Many Pharisees were respected by Jewish people because of their strict obedience of the laws and their behaviors. However, they stuck to the forms and authority and tended to criticize others while they saw themselves righteous so they were frequently rebuked by Jesus. The word, Pharisee means distinguished people but they were not distinguished from the sins and they were rather separated from the people because they were arrogant and selfish. When we think we are mature christians and have a certain position in church, we should look back on ourselves to see if we are like the Pharisees. We should remember that we are forgiven and saved by Jesus. Instead of judging others, we should love and forgive them with the love of Jesus. (Mt. 5:43-44)

2. The repentance of a tax-collector
A tax- collector was an official to collect the taxes in Rome. They could collect much more taxes than they had to. That was why they were regarded as betrayers. Therefore, the tax-collector in the story of the bible could not get close to the people and shed tears with his bow down and prayed in his heart. Sometimes, we lose the first love in Jesus and our minds get dried with losing the cry with being touched like the tax-collector. The blessing and revival of God starts with our sincere and humble repentance before God. Let us become lowered before God and confess our sins and repent our sins. Then God allows us to be filled with the forgiveness, peace and freedom.(1Jn.1:9)

3. The faith acknowledged by the Lord
Jesus recognized the tax-collector as righteous person rather than the Pharisee. The religious actions and behaviors of the Pharisees seemed to be respected by the people but was rejected by God as the center of their hearts was filled with arrogance and pride. However, the tax-collector who was humble in his heart and asked for the mercy of God was lifted by God. The one who is able to be recognized by God will be the one who can lower himself or herself. We should be acknowledged by God rather than the surrounding people. We should achieve the works of God in this land and be praised by God when the right time comes.(Mt. 25:21)