You, Man of God
(1Ti. 6:11~12)

We are called by God as the man of God. Looking back upon our days in this year, we should see if we are live as the man of God. To the man of God are there things to avoid, things to follow and things to fight against. Let us bear in mind what we have to do before God.

1. What to avoid
As the man of God, we should avoid committing sins. To do this, we should get rid of deceitful instructions. We should be away from the teachings based on human- centered life and stand firm on the words of God by realizing the word of God and meeting God in a right way. Also, we should get rid of arrogant mind. We serve God with humble and lowered mind as the man of God. By doing so, we should serve our neighbors and God joyfully with humility. Moreover, we should avoid causing tension and separation. Protecting unity made by the Holy Spirit, we should be harmoniously united in the family, society, church and the nation. Not only that, we should get away from material avarice. (1Ti. 6:10) Avarice breaks the relationships and leads us to destruction. We should use our money wisely for the glory of God. Then God will bless us more than before.

2. What to follow
Paul teaches us six virtues that we have to follow as the mad of God. (1Ti. 6:11) First, we should be righteous. Keep the righteousness of Jesus thanks to the righteousness of Jesus on the cross. Second, we should be holy. By being armed with prayers and word of God, we should overcome the temptation of the sins, walking along the path of being holy. Third, we should live faithfully. Trust God who gives the best of God in his time and who will be with us forever. Fourth, we should love each other. Let us learn from the love and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Fifth, we should be patient. Let us win in the race of our faith when we are patient enough to keep our faith strong even we face various temptations and trials. Sixth as the last, we should embrace the people who are poor and isolated in troubles just like Jesus has embraced us with his amazing love.

3. Fight the good fight of the faith
The life of the man of God is filled with a series of spirituals war. We should keep fighting in the spiritual battles in our life until we come before God. Let us keep our faith strong and strengthened despites of furious attacks of the evil spirits so that we will be crowned with the crown of the righteous when we are in heaven. Even we commit sins, we should not fall back. We should repent our sins and stand up again by repenting our sins before God. Jesus has already won the world. Holding hands with Jesus, keep marching in faith. We will win the world as the winner in the love and guidance of Jesus.