Create a New Work
(Gen. 1:1-5)

The bible starts with the story of God’s creating the world. God created everything on earth from nothing. Welcoming this new year, we should create the new history as the children of God.

1. The work of the Holy Spirit
God changed the world with chaos and darkness through the Holy Spirit. God drove the darkness with light and beat chaos with the rules of God to control the universe while creating the beautiful plants and animals to fill the empty world. The work of the Holy Spirit is bringing about stunning changes. The Holy Spirit turns the depressing reality into the new reality with hope. We should experience the work of the Holy Spirit in our nation where the sins, chaos and darkness exist. Resurrected Jesus came to the disciples who were afraid and promised them to be given the Holy Spirit, giving them the new mission and hope. (John 20:21-22) The disciples with the Holy Spirit became the faithful servants of God to undertake the special calling from Jesus as they were filled with power driven by the Holy Spirit. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can overcome sins and despairs for the victorious life in Jesus.

2. The miracle of the Word
God created everything in the world with his own words. The word of God has amazing power. We should not listen to the voice of the world. Rather, we should listen to the powerful word of God, which is never changing but everlasting. As the children of God, we should proclaim the word of God out of our mouth to drive out the darkness and fill the world with light. We also should fill our prayers with the word of God. When we ask for the divine calling according to the Word of God, God gives us his answer. (John 15:7) Let us become the blessed children of God by obeying the Word of God and desiring to listen to the Word of God.

3. The life acknowledged by God
God created the world which was good to be seen. We should become good for God to see us because we are newly created in Jesus. Feeling the presence of God in our life at all times, we can overcome the temptation of the sins. God sees us because of not pointing out all our sins but protecting s from the sins and problems. When we believe that God is good, we enjoy love of God and spread that love in the world. Let us become acknowledged by God so that our life can be full of love and blessing of God in this new year.