They Will Be Loved by Me
(Pr. 8:17, 30-31)

When we fall in love with someone, we find the power, meaning, happiness and purpose of life. We should love God, the world and people that God has made to give glory to God.

1. What we love
It is easy to love something that we can see visibly in the world. However, the love in the world is temporary and easy to be broken. We should be loved by the eternal love of God and love God who loves us forever. Jesus proved his love on the cross by sacrificing himself when we were sinners. Once we open our heart, we should receive the eternal love of God. (Ps. 91:14) The way we love God is to keep practicing the commandment of God by loving God and our neighbors. In that way, we will enjoy amazing love, comfort and blessing of God.

2. What we should look for
People are looking for something that fills our empty heart so people are seeking something for their lives. However, the limited and temporary earthly material things cannot fill our heart forever. We are shaped by God who is eternal so we have desire to love eternity. Our satisfaction will be met by God only. When we seek for God earnestly, our life will be changed forever. This is the time for use to be blessed. Once we encounter God, our life will change. When Jesus meets us and becomes our savior, we will have the new life with freedom, enjoying the reborn life. (Am. 5:4)

3. The duty of life
The one who loves God and seeks for God should live with the new mission. We should remain in Jesus and be accompanied with God. When we walk with God, the creator of the universe, we also can create the new history to give glory to God. (Isa. 43:7) Let us stand up from the past darkness to march forward to the bright future with holding hands with Jesus. Live for the glory of God. When you face the difficult moments of your life, God will still love and keep you. Love your God and put your trust in Him. By looking at Jesus with faith, our problems and troubles will be collapsed.