Faith of Absolute Positivity and Absolute Thanksgiving
(Ps. 121:1-8)

Starting with a new year, people expect to have happy days. However, we don't know what will happen in our future as God controls the history by himself. Therefore, we should believe that God will achieve good things for us by giving thanks to God.

1. God who helps us
Psalm chapter 121 was written by the unknown people who had pilgrimage to the temple of God. Looking at the mountain, Zion, the Psalmist confessed that the help would come from God, who becomes the creator of the universe. Help in our life comes from God. We should be humble and lowered to receive the help of God. We should realize our limits and weaknesses and will be healed and empowered when looking at the cross of Jesus. Furthermore, we should have strong faith that God will help us. When we depend on and put our trust in God no matter what happens, God will bring about amazing miracles in our real life.

2. God who protects us
To get to the temple of Jerusalem, they had to pass the risky desert and precipitous ranges of mountains, taking the risk of being robbed. Likewise, our life is not always peaceful. We should overcome ceaseless of temptations of the sins and avoid stumbling blocks of life. However, we will experience how much God is sincere when we are absolutely positive with giving thanks to God by putting our trust in God in any situations. While money, power, fame and human networks cannot protect us forever, God doesn't slumber or sleep to save us out of every trouble. (Ps. 121:4) When we are with God at all times and remain under the shades of God, everything will go well at the end.

3. God who will be us forever
People in the world are living with anxiety and worries because of uncertain future. Unlike the people in the world, the christians live peacefully with giving thanks to God as we have the obvious hope that God will be us forever even we are in the middle of uncertainty. God will protect us from various adversity and keep our soul strong. (Ps. 121:7) Let our mind not to be taken by the things of world, which disappear quickly. Instead, let us hold God who gives us eternal life and blessing. We must believe in God who will keep us from our present to the end and march forward to the Zion with the strong faith.