Commit Your Way to the LORD
(Ps. 37:3-7)

We are living in the human-centered world so we face a lot of difficulties when we try to live a God-oriented life. We should commit our ways to God not wandering in the world of fights and tensions so that we can overcome the temptations of the sins and the problems in our life.

1. Rely on the Lord alone
Deciding to do good in the world of sins takes disadvantages. However, we should do good putting our trust in God, who controls the world righteously. The ways of the world seems to easy and wide but it leads us to destruction. Doing good seems to be hard and disadvantageous but it is the pleasing way of life. (Mt. 7:13-14) Following God who becomes our shepherd by depending on God, we will be led to the green pasture near the stream where we can take a rest.

2. Rejoice in the Lord
The world is like a risky and barren dessert to those who decide to live righteously in the Lord and it is like a rough way where we should bear our own cross. However, we have hope as Jesus is with us. We should remain positively with our strong faith in the Lord, who is Almighty and good. Abundant peace and joy can be found in Jesus. (Php. 4:4) Not looking at the world, we should fix our eyes on Jesus to live a joyful life every day.

3. Entrust everything to the Lord
We should commit our life to God completely. The reason why we fail frequently is we depend on our own abilities or look for helps from other people. Joseph was sold as a servant to Egypt but he committed his life to God and he became a prime minster after 13 years later thereby being used for saving many people. Take your worries, anxiety and troubles to Jesus. When you commit your life to God, God will take care of your life.

4. Be patient and wait before the Lord
There are many people giving us troubles and heartaches. However, let us not complain and grumble because of them. Sometimes the wicked seems to be successful but later they will be withered like grasses. (Ps. 37:2) We should resemble Jesus who endured the cross to overcome adversity and tribulations of our life. Even we feel frustrated and depressed, God who loves us will wash our tears and turn our problems and troubles into joy and blessings.