Do Not Take Your Holy Spirit from Me
(Ps. 51:10-13)

The most important priority after believing in Jesus is the relationship with God. Once the relationship with God is collapsed, nothing will be meaningful. Therefore, we should repent our sins before God when we commit crime to restore the relationship with God.

1. Give in me a pure heart
We should have a pure heart to build a proper relationship with God. We should not compromise with our greed and sinful trends of the world. We cannot come before God with sinful hands and deceived mind. We should not count our interests before God. Rather, we should be pure enough to believe in God. Only the one who is pure can see God. (Ps. 24:3-4) With a purified and cleansed heart, we will be led and blessed by God.

2. Give me a steadfast spirit
Secondly, to build a proper relationship with God, our spirit should be righteous. It means that our spirit should be strong and steadfast. Even if the temptations and trials come upon us, we should not be shaken. We are living thanks to the grace of Jesus on the cross and we have a resurrected life. (1Co. 15:58) Let us not be afraid of death. Follow Jesus who has already won. Fixing our eyes on to Jesus, the ship of our life will reach the secured harbor of blessings and salvation of God.

3. Do not take your Holy Spirit from me
Thirdly, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to have right relationship with God. The worst judgment to Christians is that the Holy Spirit leaves. Even the one is the most successful in the world, the people will see despair and death at the end without God. We can live as the children of God once the Holy Spirit remains in us so that we can enjoy the real peace and joy. (Ro. 8:9) We need to pray that we should be with the Holy Spirit at all times to experience the grace of God.

4. Restore to me the joy of your salvation
Finally, we should be filled with the joy of salvation everyday to forge friendly relationship with God. Unfortunately, some people lose the first love and joy as time passes after they believe in Jesus. (Rev. 2:4) We should look back on our spirit. We should not be the spiritual leprosy who loses the first love in Jesus and becomes sick spiritually, not knowing the spiritual status. With the first love in God, we should spread the gospel all over the world.