The Life That Gets Better
(Jn. 2:1-5)

While we live our life, we have good events but sometimes we should face some difficult moment and become easily frustrated. However, we can have better life with Jesus whatever happens once Jesus remains in our heart.

1. Jesus in our place of despair
The problem happens in the wedding taking place at Cana in Galilee. However, Jesus who became the problem solver- was there. When we face difficulties, people tend to leave away. Even if someone is with us when others are away, they cannot solve the source of the problem. However, Jesus is with us all the time and turns the depressing moments into hopeful moments. Therefore, we should accept Jesus as our master. When Jesus becomes our master, we can put down all the burdens to take a rest. (Mt. 11:28-29) Remember that Jesus is with us when we are in troubles.

2. Faith to ask to the Lord
When the wine was run out in the wedding, Jesus’s mother told Jesus what was happening at the wedding. However, Jesus responded that it was not the right time. Soon, Jesus took her request and showed the first miracle. Jesus solves the small and trivial matters in our life as well as the biggest problem such as the salvation of life. There are not small matters that we don't have to pray and there are not the biggest problems that we cannot pray. Jesus asks us to pray whatever the problems are. (Jn. 15:7) When we pray with faith, Jesus listens to us to give us answers.

3. Faith to obey the Word
Mary, the mother of Jesus asked the servants to do whatever Jesus asked them to do. The servants filled the jars with water and served them in the wedding party. It was not logical but they obey what they were told to do. Surprisingly, the miracle changing water into wine happened. (Jn. 2:9-10) Our faith is proved by our obedience. When Jesus obeyed the will of God and was sacrificed on the cross, the death was turned into the life. Learning from Jesus, we should obey the Word of God so that we can change depression into hope and death into life.