Do Not Be Afraid
(Jer. 1:4-8)

People have continuous problems and troubles so they are worried with anxiety. Although we are in troubles, we should fix our eyes onto God to keep our faith. With holding the Word of God and marching with faith, God will light the darkness of our life.

1. God who has chosen us
We are not chosen by God accidently and not by our will. Actually we are not worthy of being saved because we are sinners. God knows our weaknesses. We can hide our sins before people but cannot hide before God. However, God decided to make us children before we were born and calls us his children. (Jer. 1:5) We should give thanks to God with that reason. Furthermore, God gives us divine missions of God. Not only pastors or missionaries but children of God are given the special missions. Therefore, we should give thanks to the calling of God and take responsibility for doing the works of God.

2. Our weaknesses
Because of our weaknesses, we feel burdensome and tired when doing the works of God. However, God didn't choose the people of God depending on appearance, ability and background. God only sees the true heart in God. (1Sam. 16:7) No one is perfect before the Almighty God. We are even not taking care of our only life. We cannot achieve the works of God with human power. However, God will use us when we seek for the help of God humbly. God will be us at all times and achieve miraculous work through us.

3. Faith without fear
When we walk with God, our ignorance, past sins and inferior feeling are no more our problems. When God gives us special missions, don't fall behind. God promises to be with us. When we are with God, God establishes us to become the servants of God. The miracles will happen through us. Sometimes, we are scorned and facing difficulties because of the sinful temptations and various problems. Take brave heart. God declares, “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you.” Victory belongs to God. March bravely with God to live a victorious life.