Filled in Twelve Baskets
(Jn. 6:5-13)

The miracle of five loaves of barely bread and two fish was recorded in the four gospels. Male adults were 5000 and female and children were 20,000. They experienced the miracle changing despair into hope. Whoever meets Jesus will experience how their hopeless life can be changed into hopeful life.

1. The Lord who knows our circumstances
Wherever Jesus goes, people tended to gather. Jesus regarded them as the sheep without a good shepherd. Jesus welcomed them, teaching the Word of God and healing their diseases. (Mt. 14:14) Jesus in the past is same today. We should come before Jesus to receive mercy. When Jesus sees with his mercy, our problems will be melted. Listen to the voice of Jesus and obey the voice. When the sheep follows the voice of the shepherd, it will be comforted and safe. Likewise, we will be blessed when we follow the voice of Jesus who knows our situations and surroundings.

2. The Lord who fills us what we need
As people listened to the Word of Jesus, the sun was setting down. People were hungry and it was hard to find something to eat in the dark field. Jesus asked the disciples to give them food. (Mk. 6:37) Phillip thought and analyzed the situations logically and answered negatively. However, Andrew was different. He got the 5 loaves of barely bread and 2 fish from a child. He took them to Jesus. Seeing the faith of Andrew, Jesus brought about the miracle of feeding 20,000 people with the food and even the food was left over. Jesus will show miracle and fill our need when we have faith. When the sun goes down, Jesus will work. Let us not be frustrated and put our trust in the Lord.

3. The grace full and overflowing
The miracle of five loaves of barely bread and two fish was abundant and plentiful. Jesus doesn't calculate the amount of grace when he allows us to give his grace. Jesus gives his grace much more than we expect to have. Jesus fills our spirit, emotion and our body. Jesus comforts our hearts, heals our diseases and blesses our days. The biggest grace we receive is that we are saved. Just as he fed 20,000 people with the small amount of food, he became the bread of life and allowed salvation and eternity for those who believe in Jesus. (Jn. 6:35) With absolute positivity and faith, we should experience the overflowing grace of Jesus and give thanks to the grace of Jesus at all times.