You Will Be Favored
(Pr. 3:1~6)

We become very blessed people after believing in Jesus. The miserable identity as the servants of Satan is changed by receiving the precious identity of becoming the son of God. Thus, we should live accordingly and properly with the new identity.

1. Keep the Lord’s command
Many nations have their own laws for their people to keep. Likewise, there are laws and commands of kingdom of God for us to follow. As the citizens of God, we should keep the laws of God and obey the Word of God as that we can be accompanied with God. God will protect us from all kinds of dangers when we listen to the Word of God carefully and obey the Word of God. Even various problems block us, we can get rid of anxiety and worries coming to us when we are held by the Word of God faithfully thereby living a blesse life with God. (Jos. 1:7-8)

2. Let love and faithfulness never leave you
We should not leave from the love and faithfulness of God. What is love of God? That is to give us his one and only son Jesus Christ to forgive us. Then, what is faithfulness of God? That is sincere promise of God which God will keep for his children. We should not decorate us with beautiful necklace. Rather, we should bind the love and faithfulness of God around our necks. We should resemble the love and faithfulness of God. Not just by pretending to have love and faithfulness, we should write them on the tablet of our hearts. When our behavior, attitudes and mind resemble the love and faithfulness of God, we are acknowledged and favored by people as well as God. (Pr. 3:4)

3. Rely on God
Just as a baby depends of his or her parents, we should completely put our trust on God. With limited and uncertain wisdom and power, we face the ultimate moment of despair. People who depend on God try to acknowledge God whatever and whenever they do. (Pr. 3:6) We should have the spirit of Coram deo referring to staying in the presence of God, and we are away from the temptation of sins and fears of problems. We should put our priority in God. Our life will be filled with joy and overflowing thanksgiving when we should do our best to achieve the holy vision.