Arise and Come with Me
(Ss. 2:10~14)

The song of Solomon describes the story of lovers who fall in love deeply. The story of Solomon and the Shulammite woman is compared the relationship between God and his people. We should have deep relationship with God based on love just like the lovers in the song of Solomon

1. My darling, my beautiful one
God calls us his darling. The king, Solomon was loved and respected by people. However, he showed utmost love for the Shulammite woman who was plain and ordinary living in the country. Likewise, God who is the King of kings loves us so much even we are sinners and weak. The evidence of God’s love is to send his one and only son Jesus to save us. We become the precious children of God and belong to God. Being with God, we will enjoy peace and joy forever.

2. The spring of hope dawns
The most painful part to lovers is the absence of beloved one. The woman confessed that she became sick because she couldn't see the king. However, the painful time passed and the spring of hope came to her so that she could able to meet the lover. (Ss. 2:11-12) There is the winter-like time when we cannot see and meet God. However, we should not be shaken as the love and the Word of God are unfailing. When we passing through the hard and dark moments of life without feeling the presence of God, God is still being with us. With absolute faith and positivity toward God, we will encounter spring of hope after the despair of winter ends.

3. Eliminate the elements of unbelief
There came a small fox creeping into the grape garden. It was not the big predators like bears and lions that destroyed the garden. It was the small fox eating the root of grape trees. The culprit destroying the relationship with God is not the bigger sins but trivial sins like lies, laziness, hatred, anger and jealousy. When we let the small sins live with us, we are unconsciously away from God and faith is collapsed soon. Thus we should come before God with praying and look back on us honestly with the Word of God. We should get rid of every aspect of disobedience. (1Th. 5:21-22) We should drive away the small spiritual foxes hindering us from having profound relationship with God thereby building true and sincere relationship with God.