I Will Put a New Spirit in You
(Eze. 36:25-28)

God has loved his chosen people, not abandoning them. Israel people spiritually corrupted and away from God so that they were captured as the slaves of Babylon. However, God didn't forsake them and decided to restore them.

1. Grace of cleansing
Israel people were away from Holy God, following the ways of sins so that they were destroyed. God didn't abandon the people of Israel. God decided to sprinkle fresh water to purify them. God allowed us to have the same grace. We are also corrupted before God. God gave us Jesus, the purifying water as the precious blood of Jesus to wash away the matter of sins. (Heb. 10:19) We need to be covered with the blood of Jesus. Then, we will meet the Lord who gives us real happiness and joy.

2. Grace of the Holy Sprit
God washes our sins and gives us the new spirit and new heart to renew our spirit, will and righteousness. The sinful nature which is like a rigid heart cannot keep the pure heart. We should have soft heart to follow the ways of God, which hates the sins and wants to follow the ways of God. To do this, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit comes to us, the direction and purpose of our life is totally transformed. The Holy Spirit teaches us every second for us to find the ways of God. (Jn. 14:26) We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit fully enough to live victoriously in the sinful world. Let us become the mature disciples of Jesus to achieve the will of God.

3. The grace of the Word of God
Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are able to live with the Word of God when we are helped by the Holy Spirit. (Eze. 36:27) The Word of God is like a safety net to protect us rather than chains. Those who love and obey the Word of God will meet Jesus. Set aside the special time to communicate with God through the Word of God. We can hear the voice of God saying “I will be with you and I will help you.” When the Word of God comes to us, the curses in the life will disappear. Fears will go away. The brave heart springs up. Have victory everyday with the Word of God.