All Things Work Together for the Good
(Rom. 8:26-28)

We have ups and downs in our life just like the surges of the waves on the sea. When we go down in the deepest with despair we should look at God who can save us. We should keep our faith in the Lord without frustration.

1. The Holy Spirit who helps us in our weakness
We are so weak and easily defeated by the temptations of the sins. Even the greatest disciple of Jesus, Paul was frustrated seeing he was too weak to overcome the nature of sins. (Rom. 7:23-24) We are desperate and not perfect so we are not free from the hardships in terms of spiritual, environmental and physical situations. However, Jesus forgave us, breaking the chains of sins and curses by being sacrificed on the cross. Any who believes in Jesus will be visited by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit leads us to the salvation of life. The Holy Spirit will not forsake those who are looking for the help of the Holy Spirit.

2. The Holy Spirit who intercedes for us
When we face extremely difficult moments, we shed our tears losing the motivation to pray hard. At the time, we should put our hope into God with looking at the face of the Lord. Holy Spirit will pray for us. We don't know how to pray but the Holy Spirit knows all our situations and knows the will of God's plan in our life. Therefore, we should put down our will and interest and depend on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will pray for our best as he loves us so much.

3. God who works in all things for the good
God who loves us so much will save his children out of all troubles and adversity. Therefore, we can give thanks to God in all situations. The troubles and hardships are not the end and it will be the course that we can see everything will go will in the end. Those who love God and are called by God will see their hardships will be the prelude of the blessings of God. (Rom. 5:3-4) Person who go through the hardships wisely will be used God preciously. (Pr. 17:3) Give thanks to God whatever happens in your life. With holding the message of God, you can live a victorious life