The LORD Upholds Righteous with His Hand
(Ps. 37:23-26)

God who we believe in is good and full of love. God protects and guides our steps with the eyes of love, with which our parents see us just like when they look at their young children.

1. God leading us
God controls our life. We think our life is moving forward as we plan or we do our efforts or we think our life goes accidentally. However, God plans everything and achieve His good will. Therefore, we should depend on God when we face troubles and difficulties if our life not being frustrated thinking that we cannot solve the problems of our life with our own power and knowledge. Then, God will show the way that we follow. (Ps. 25:12) We should not listen to the voice of the world which leads us to death. We should come to the righteous way of God to enjoy peace and blessings of God.

2. God upholding us
Due to the sins of the Adam, all humans were disconnected from God spiritually, were cursed environmentally and were to become old only to experience physical diseases and the death at the end, which hinders us from enjoying the blessings of God. These frustrating conditions and despair give us hardships and tears to our life. When we are away from sins by repenting and seeking the help of God, God will make us arise. The failure of righteous people is not forever. (Pr. 24:16) God upholds our hands. Even we fail and fall down, let us not be frustrated and rather we should look at God who loves us and will not be away to upholds our hands.

3. God blessing us
Eventually, God will pour his blessings to his children. When we pass through the desserts of troubles, children of God will experience the manna and quails as well as the columns of fire and clouds for protection. The blessings of christians will spread to surrounding people including family members, relatives, friends and neighbors. Don't be jealous when you see evil people enjoying blessings. Even their blessings grow quickly, the farmer who is our God will pick them up, throwing them into the fire. (Ps. 37:9-11) It is more important to be recognized by God than to have quick and temporary success of the world. By living righteously to be recognized by God, we will possess the blessing which will not be dried out.