The Lord, My Shepherd
(Ps. 23:1-2)

Psalm chapter 23 is based on the confession of David in which he wrote by looking back on his days to give thanks and absolutely positive faith to God. We should confess our faith in that way. God is good shepherd to protect and take care of us.

1. God who is my everything
We feel that we are lacking of something. The more we have, the more we want to get as our greed is endless. However, David confessed that he shall not be in want because God protected and led him to the best way. The sheep are foolish and weak but they will be protected once they have a good shepherd. All the needs are filled by the good shepherd. We are like the sheep. We are easily lost, fall down and get frustrated. Therefore, we should meet Jesus who provides us with his best and who was sacrificed to save us. (Jn. 10:11) Are you not satisfied with your family, workplace and church and have troubles? Come before the Lord, who can fill your needs. And enjoy peace and joy in God who will satisfy you.

2. God who is my guide
God leads us to his abundant blessings once we take our things over God. The sheep which are led by the good shepherd are not anxious about what to eat even they have nothing to eat and drink in front of them as they believe that their good shepherd will lead them to the green pasture and stream for them to take a rest. Likewise, we don't need to worry. God leads us to the green grass of the Word of God. (Jn. 10:10) The Word of God will fill our souls and we become stronger spiritually. The person filled with the Word of God will be peaceful and not be shaken by trials and hardships. Also, God leads us to the source of streams where we can take a rest. The living water to make us alive is the precious blood of Jesus. When we come before the shade of the cross, our spiritual thirst will disappear and can have a real peace. (Mt. 11:28) Give thanks and praises every day to God who will restore our souls.