The Lord Who Is Always with Us
(Ps. 23:3-4)

The Immanuel faith that means God is with us is the core in our faith. God is so good as he has been us in any moment. God was with us during the old testament period and Jesus was with us during the new testament period. After Jesus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit is with us now.

1. God who restores my soul
God wants to restore our spirit which had to be dead because of sins. When we repent our sins and return to God, God forgives us and makes us rise again even we are caught in failures, disease and depression, giving us new power. As God is with us all the time, God will not forsake us. We can live a joyful life as God is with us so we don't have to be fearful in any circumstances. God saves us out of death for the glory of God and leads us to follow the way of righteousness. Righteousness means that we should live for God by living with the Word of God. We need to give thanks to the grace of God. We should praise the Lord to lift the glorious name of God because God leads us to the way of righteousness, life and blessing.

2. God who is with us even in our despair
David remembered that God had helped him when he was extremely hard moments. So he confessed that he was not fearful as God was with him. (Ps. 23:4) Not everything goes well even we are Christians. The difficult and troubling time come to us. However, everything will be good at the end once we hold the cross of Jesus tightly. When we pass through the hard moments with Jesus, our faith grows and our soul will be strengthened. The biggest enemy to us when passing through the hardships is fear. The best way for us to overcome the fear is to walk with Jesus. Jesus leads us with the staff of the word of God to the right ways, defeating the evil spirits with the staff of the Holy Spirit. Be with Jesus who becomes the good shepherd so that you can overcome difficulties overwhelmingly.