Jesus Christ, the Absolute Hope
(Lk. 24:13~14, 28~32)

Jesus was dead on the cross for us because of our sins. However, the cross of Jesus is not the place of failure as Jesus was resurrected by defeating the power of death and sins after three days. The resurrection of Jesus is the greatly miraculous event of all time.

1. A life going downhill
Three days after the death of Jesus, two disciples of Jesus who had followed Jesus were in great frustration and they were about to leave for Emmaus. Their frustration was so deep that they didn't know Jesus was walking along with them. (Lk. 24:15-16) Just like these two disciples, we will face frustration in our life. We can't have real peace and freedom in any place because we are disconnected from God due to our sins. No one in the world can solve the matter of sins for themselves. The one who can change the absolute frustration into absolute hope is Jesus. When we look at Jesus, we will have the hope of heaven and the frustration of the life will disappear.

2. Jesus Christ who accompanies us on downhill
The two disciples thought Jesus became their political messiah to give them liberty from Rome. Witnessing the death of Jesus, they thought everything was ended. However Jesus who was resurrected came to them, being together with them. Jesus didn't only meet the two disciples on the way to Emmaus 2,000 years ago. Jesus is still coming to us to comfort and encourage us by giving us new hope. Jesus promised to be with us forever. (Mt. 28:20) Obeying God humbly and waking with Jesus will change the declining life into recovered life, graceful life and hopeful life.

3. The Lord who works through the Word and the Holy Spirit
The resurrected Jesus taught the prophecies in the old testament. Then the disciples were touched and their hearts were hot. As a result, they had strong faith and hope in resurrection. When Jesus broke the bread and blessed it, giving it to them, their spiritual eyes which were closed by depression came to open and recognized that it was Jesus. (Lk. 24:30-31) The way we can meet Jesus is through the Word of God and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reminds us of the teachings of Jesus, teaches the message of Jesus and helps us to realize the word of God. Then, finally the diseases turn into healing, sadness into happiness and despair into hope. Let us be guided by the words of God as well as the Holy Spirit so that we can experience the victory of the resurrected Jesus.