God Who Gives Us Overflowing Grace
(Ps. 23:5~6)

God, who is so good, leads us to the green pasture with a resting stream and the righteous ways. God protects us from the deep and dark valley of death. Even God sets the table before our enemies. We should walk with God all the times and give thanks and praises to God.

1. God who prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies
David had hard times because of a lot of enemies in his life. Thanks to the help of God, he was able to overcome various hardships. God has made a lot of turning points by changing adversities into blessings dramatically. We don't have to be afraid when we are with God. Depending on God with trusting the Word of God, we can enjoy the promised Word of God. (Dt. 28:2-6) God sets the table before our enemies and anoints us with the oil. The oil means the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can enjoy peace and joy. Conquer the world with the absolute positivity and faith giving thanks in any circumstances.

2. God who is good and merciful
David confessed that the goodness and generosity of God would not be away in his life. God who is good and generous will not be away when we are in troubles. Rather, God will help everything goes well in the end so that we can be blessed. (Ro. 8:28) Just like shadows follow the sun, the blessings of God follow those who are with God. Goodness and generosity is not unfailing characteristics of God. God who forgave and saved us yesterday still loves and leads us to the blessings tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and forever.

3. God who is with us forever
Dwelling in the house of God forever means the eternal friendships with God. We will be heaven in the future. Therefore, we should be diligent in racing and marching with the hope toward haven even if we are living in the land. The joy of heaven prepared for us cannot be compared to that of the world. (Rev. 21:3-4) Numerous ancestors who were faithful in the bible had the hope in heaven could overcome the temptations and tribulations in the world. We should walk with and be taken care of by Jesus and then we should be gathered in heaven to praise the Lord.