Who Am I
(Lk. 2:49~52)

We should have clear identity while living in the world. According to the scripture reading, we know Jesus had a clear identity as the child of God even he was 12-year-old boy.

1. We, the children of God
When Jesus was 12 years old, Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem as the passover came. After the worship service, they went back to Nazareth and realized that Jesus was not with them so they returned to Jerusalem. After three days they found him in the temple courts. When his parents saw him, they were astonished asking why he was there. Jesus said, “Didn't you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” Even he was a young boy, Jesus had a clear identity as the child of God. Regardless of our age, we are the children of God. Also our children are the children of God so we love and nurture them with the love of God.

2. The life of obedience
The duty of children is to obey the will of parents. To obey parents is the one of commandments of God, which promises the blessings of God. Jesus didn’t ignore Joseph and Mary because they didn’t understand the mission and the identity of Jesus. Rather, Jesus obeyed them. Even Jesus was the son of God and became a human, Jesus sincerely obeyed his parents while he lived in the land. Likewise, we should obeyed God and our parents. God will love and bless his children who obey God with joy.

3. The beloved life
As Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, Jesus was loved by God and people. We should become mature and be in favor of God and people. Jesus said that heaven belongs to people like children. God looks for people with pure and humble hearts like children. However, our faith should grow day by day by removing the rotten behaviors. Even it is hard to get rid of our wrong behaviors all at once, we should do it to become the children who please God with faith and help of God.