A Mother's Petition.
(Mt. 15:21~28)

Looking at the bible and the history of church, we find out that there would be a prayer of a mother behind the great people. In the scripture reading, there is the prayer of mother, which heals her daughter by moving Jesus’ heart.

1. A desperate cry
When Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon, a woman came to Jesus, asking to heal her daughter who was possessed by demon. His disciples asked him to take care of her daughter but Jesus said that he was only sent to Israel people. Jesus refused to help her and didn’t show any interests. However, she kept crying out to get the help. When we pray, we should pray persistently. With the hope that Jesus is the only way and hope, God will listen to us and give us the answer. (Je. 33:3)

2. The absolutely positive faith
Jesus showed very cold reaction comparing the Canaanites woman to a dog and denied helping her child. It was not giving her despair but testing her faith. Rather, she said she wanted to get the crumbs that fall from their masters' table. She lowered herself to receive the grace of God. We need this faith as the trials and tribulations come to test our faith. Even people ignore, scorn and persecute us, God will save us when we don’t lose our faith toward God. When we face the obstacles, let us not be frustrated. Let us confess that everything is possible for him who believes. (Mk. 9:23)

3. The faith accompanied with a miracle
The prayer of the mother with love touched Jesus. Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” Likewise, Jesus is looking for a man with great faith which pleases the Lord. (Heb. 11:6) The faith acknowledged by God is lowering oneself and looking at our God without doubts. When we pray for our children, we should have a great faith. God will allow your children to experience the great miracles when you pray for them with such a great faith.