My Times Are in Your Hands
(Ps. 31:13~15)

Faith means that we believe in God without doubts. When we say we believe in God but we become anxious and worried, it is very elementary faith. We should take our life over God and follow the ways by moving our steps with faith.

1. When we are surrounded by terror
We are easily hurt and broken because we don't have power to solve the matter of life. Even David, the King of Israel was terrified when he was surrounded and threatened by his enemies. When we are surrounded by fear, we should keep our heart brave as it is the source of life. When we put our heart in God, we can have joyful life whatever happens while we have tough and hard life when we put our heart in other people or ourselves. When we look at God, the only hope, God will deliver us out of various hardships. (Ps. 42:5)

2. Faith holding fast only to the Lord
David was not frustrated by troubles and hardships as he looked at God. God whom he depended on was almighty and full of love. Those who are with God will no fear. (Ps 27:1, 3) When the waves of adversity comes to our life, God becomes our fortified rock and fortress. We should not live between in the world and in God. Don't look at this imperfect world and look at God who is forever and perfect. Be brave and courageous in God. Have strong faith which pleases the Lord by depending on God.

3. God, the absolute sovereign
David knew that his times belonged to God rather than to his enemies. Our life isn't shaped by money, power and fame. Instead, God directs and leads our life. God has absolute power to control the fall and rise and life and death. Luckily, that almighty God is with us all the times. When we fall down and are collapsed, God feels sorry for us. God embraces us and makes us rise up again. (Ps 37:23~24) Now, we should put our trust in God, fixing our eyes on to God so that we have the victorious life in God.