Give Yourself Fully to the Work of the Lord
(1Co. 15:57~58)

The beautiful world that God created has been filled with sins and death after Adam committed sins. However, Jesus cut off the chains of curses and became the pathway of blessings. Now, those who are in Jesus can live a blessed life in Jesus.

1. God who gives us the victory
Jesus came to the world which has been captured by the sins and death to save people in that world. The evil powers controlling the world have not been retreated easily. They attacked Jesus, giving various troubles and tribulations. However, Jesus was not failed only at once and became the completed conqueror. We are christians following Jesus. Just as Satan attacked Jesus, he attacks us all the time. However, we should not be afraid as Jesus, the conqueror is with us at all times. By following Jesus, we can become more than a conqueror whatever happens(Ro. 8:37).

2. The faith which stands firm and does not move
The greatest victory driven by Jesus is the glory of resurrection. We can achieve it by being persistent and patient at the end to keep our faith strong. Once we start believing in Jesus, we should endure any types of hardships and keep our faith strong. When we are deeply rooted in Jesus as our foundation of faith, we can give thanks despite various trials and hardships. (Col. 2:6-7) God knows us better than we so God doesn't allow us to have hardships which we cannot overcome. (1Co. 10:13) When waves of hardships sweep over you, don't be afraid and put your trust in God. After you pass the hardships with your faith, the miraculous blessings will come to your life.

3. The faith which gives ourselves fully to the work of the Lord
We should live for the glory of God after receiving the grace of salvation while we lived for ourselves, our glory and interests. That's because we are new creature after our inner being was dead as soon as we believed in Jesus. We are living with the life of Jesus, not with our life. Now, we should be proud of Jesus. (Gal. 6:14) Devote yourself to doing the work of the Lord. Be with the Holy Spirit. The efforts for the glory of God will not be vain as God remembers all our efforts and blesses us.