The Way of the Cross
(1Sam 6:7-12)

Jesus came as the unconditional love with abundant love. When we are filled with the love of Jesus, we can live a happy life. We can find the shape of the true love in the cows going to toward Beth Shemesh.

1. The situation of Israel
When the war happened between Israel and Philistines, the situation of Israel was not good as the priest Eli lost his spiritual leadership and his sons including Hophni and Phinehas committed serious sins before God by using their spiritual power for their interests. As a result, Israel was failed in the war without the help of God and the ark of God was captured. (1Sa 4:11) However, something strange happened in the Philistines. There was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD. And his head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained. Moreover, the Philistine people were afflicted by unknown diseases. Eventually, the Philistines decided to return the ark of God to Israel by using the female milk cows which could carry the cart.

2. The cows going toward Beth Shemesh
The Philistines decided to use the milk cow which had not been yoked and away from the calves to test if the disasters were coming from God or not. The milk cows heard the cry of the calves but they were straightly going toward Beth Shemesh, obeying God. The meaning of Beth Shemesh refers to the house of the sun. Like the female milk cows, we should let the things we love behind to follow Jesus, the sun of the righteousness. (Heb 12:2) When holding the world, we will lose God as well as things in the world. However, we will be successful with the help of God when we hold God tightly.

3. The cows sacrificed as a burnt offering
These cows carried the cart pulling the ark for the first time but they endured the hard work. Even the cross that we should bear is not easy, we should not give up and go forward. (Mk. 8:34) These cows marched forward even the calves were crying. We should give up the things holding us back for the glory of God. As the cows didn’t see left or right even without the leader, we should listen to God and obey God completely. These cows carried the art of God. Likewise, we should carry the mission driven by God in our heart. Jesus has become the sacrifice offering just like the cows burnt at Beth Shemesh. We should give thanks to the amazing love of Jesus and should be devoted to loving God in our lifetime.