If the Holy Spirit Comes on You
(Ac. 1:4~5, 8)

The history of church is related to that of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit came 2,000 years ago on the Pentecost day, church was born. Then, churches have been growing and prospering thanks to the guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit is still helping and protecting churches in the world.

1. The command of Jesus
Before he ascended, the resurrected Jesus gave his disciples this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." (Ac. 1:4~5) Jerusalem could be the terrifying place they wanted to leave after the suffering of Jesus but they believed in Jesus and was filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit by praying hard based on the word of God 10 days after Jesus ascended. When the fears and terror overflow, we should not run away or fall behind. We should hold the promised word of God. Anyone who goes forward by praying with holding the word of God can be baptized by the Holy Spirit and used as a powerful servant of God.

2. Receive the power
When the Holy Spirit comes to us, we will be filled with the power. The power of the Holy Spirit is like that of dynamite. Jesus was with the power of the Holy Spirit at all times. Jesus started the life for the public with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, spreading the gospel, healing the sick and the demon-possessed people and making the dead alive. The disciples who had denied Jesus and ran away came back and spread the gospel bravely after being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and became the great servant of God. (Ac. 3:6~8) Likewise, we should complete the mission of Jesus as the successors by being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

3. Be a witness
The power coming from the Holy Spirit is not for filling our selfish desires but for achieving the mission as the witness of Jesus. The word, “martus” in Greek means martyr. After being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we should take the risk of giving our life as the witness. Stephen in the Bible was stoned to death when he spread the gospel but he didn't blame the people throwing the stones to him. Rather he forgave them with the love of Jesus. (Ac. 7:59~60). That is the power of the Holy Spirit. We should have the heart of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit just as Stephen to live as the witness to spread the name of Jesus.