I Am the Vine; You Are the Branches
(Jn. 15:5~9)

We need the power of God Almighty to win the world as the Christians. David confessed, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.” (Ps. 23:1) Likewise, when we walk with God, we will have a blessed life that is not in want.

1. Be one with the Lord
The success or failure of a life of faith totally depends on the relationship with God. Though we are weak and make many mistakes, our life can bear beautiful fruits once we are in God. The Devil continuously whispers us not to remain in Jesus. We should not be tempted but stick to Jesus. When we are away from Jesus, we cannot bear fruits. Once we were the trees of the world which will be rotten but now we are attached to the tree of life thanks to the grace of Jesus. Not forgetting the grace, we should die on the cross every day and live as the new and resurrected person with Jesus. (Gal. 2:20)

2. Ask the Lord
If we want to be one with the Lord, we should remain in Jesus and continuously communicate with him. “Dwelling in Jesus” means continuous relationship with him. We should not be at a loss between in the world and in Jesus. We should march forward to Jesus. By prayer and the word of God we should communicate with him to suit my will to the Lord. When we pray based on the will of God, God will answer with his best. (1 Jn. 5:14~15) When we find out the will of God by praying, we should do our best to complete the will of God. Let us give glory to God through the fruits of our life by living according to the will of God.

3. Stay in the love of the Lord
We owe Jesus’ love the debt of life that cannot be paid back. Jesus saved us through amazing love by throwing his life. We should give thanks to love of Jesus and remain in that love. When we are in the love of Jesus we can enjoy a real delight. Jesus wants us to love each other as he had loved us. (Jn. 15:12) The communities built by Jesus is those of love. Whatever happens, the children of God should not fight against each other or be separated. Instead, we should love and serve each other. When we love each other by following Jesus who loved us up to his death, eventually we can remain in God who allows us to experience His amazing and unfailing love. Looking at the amazing love of God, we will have the powerful grace which sets us from fears and chains of sins.