Stand Firm in the Faith and Be Strong
(1Co. 16:13-14, 22)

Even a person who looks strong than anyone has a weak part inside. Therefore, we should commit our weak points to the hands of God. We can have a victorious life of faith only when we rely on God and move forward in faith.

1. Stand firm in the faith
We should be spiritually awake to stand firm in the faith. We should not be just satisfied with no-problem world life, or we would see Jesus who will come to this world suddenly. (Mt. 24:42) Even athletes in this world control his diets and lifestyles to have the best records. We should also focus on the word of God and pray by fixing our eyes onto Jesus to communicate with God. If we live our lives with the eschatological faith that is awake spiritually and waits for the Second Coming of Jesus, we can stand firm even when troubles come near to us. When we march forward in the word of God without being shaken, God will be with us and keep our steps firm.

2. Do everything in love
We should practice love in all circumstances. (1Co. 16:14) Thanks to the love of God, we have been saved and become Christians. By being loved we have become Christians, and to love others we have become Christians. Love is the fruit of our faith. The trees without fruits are worthless. We should prove our love with actions not just by mouth speaking. We have the perfect example of love. That is the love of Jesus on the cross. We should resemble Jesus and practice love of sacrifice and devotion. When we love our God with all our soul and love our neighbors just as we love ourselves, the miracle that the kingdom of God comes to this world will happen.
3. Love the Lord
The priority of our faith is love and the most important thing is loving our Savior Jesus. We should love Jesus who has come in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. We should guard our heart holy and clean, for it is the temple of God. Also, we should love our church which is the body of Jesus. We should serve the communities of God just as we serve and love Jesus. Let us always find out what pleases the Lord and devote ourselves to Jesus. (Ep. 5:10)
God will remember those who love the Lord and have devoted themselves to him, and bless their lives greatly.